Lincoln Eagle (LE): What is your job here at Lincoln College of Tech-nology (LCT)?
Shannon Viets (SV): I am the ear-ly student engagement coordinator. My job is to assist and mentor stu-dents during their first six months here at LCT. I am here to support students by listening to their con-cerns and helping them to problem solve. I also enjoy it when students share good news with me as well.
LE: Where is your office and how can students make appointments with you?
SV: My office is on the 3rd floor, in the education hallway– room 313. Students can make appointments with me by stopping by my office, emailing me, or calling my desk phone or cell phone. There is a spe-cial cell phone that is used just for student contact.
LE: What is your favorite thing about LCT?
SV: The students, they are what makes it fun. Also, having some-
where to wear my awesome shoes and crazy make-up everyday!
LE: What are some of your hobbies or interests?
SV: Make-up, nail polish, and shoes.
LE: What is your favorite thing about Dayton?
SV: Ester Price Chocolate!
LE: What college did you graduate from?
SV: I received my undergraduate degree from Wright State University and my grad-uate degree from the University of Dayton.
LE: What advice do you have for LCT stu-dents?
SV: Get as much education as you possibly can, wear as much glitter as you possibly can, and get as much out of life as you can.
To contact Shannon:
Cell Phone: 937-718-9192
Desk phone: 224-0061 ext 44839
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